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Data not making it from HG to Q

Started by clairemp, August 08, 2018, 11:25:44 AM

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I do not have any Q values on record since 08/03. In WISKI, at a first glance, it seems like the last HG datum also dates back from 08/03. However, when I plot the data (without selecting "apply time range") values appear until today's date, 08/08 (albeit a few hours behind). The gauge in question is Gauge - Bear Brook River near Bourget.

Any ideas on what is happening and how to fix it? Attached are some screen shots.




Thanks for posting Claire,

Does it transfer if you increase the quality from 254 to 200?


Can you change the default quality on the 01.Original agent to 200 and adjust the quality of the 01.Original timeseries from August 3rd to 200?

Even if it doesn't fix this it should help prevent other issues down the road.  In the mean time you could change the Q 01.Original timeseries to use HG 01.Original timeseries so that you have flow data coming in until the HG 02.Edited timeseries can be fixed.

Jenn & Chris


When you look at the sequence of time series for HG, your 01.Original is up to date but the 02.Editable is stuck at Aug 3rd.  The rating curve and discharge rely on this. The really weird part is that the data is actually there.  You can see on my graph below that the time series is showing data up to the 21st and the blue line perfectly covers the red.  I've seen this before and the problem isn't obvious.  I've done a delete of the agent and reloaded and refreshed with no luck.  Time to call Mr Wizard. Steve!!



Hi everyone,

Sorry for the long absence. I checked this out today and the issue was resolved - there are Q values up to the current date. Does anyone know how this was resolved?

Steve with KISTERS