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Water Quality / Re: Parameters with Different ...
Last post by cmcguire - June 21, 2018, 03:13:08 PM
Hi Steve,

I had already come up with a solution for the snow courses by the time of our discussion, which was to repeat the weather/temp data for each of the 10 rows.
Water Quality / Re: Standing Offer for KISTERS...
Last post by SteveWKISTERS - June 20, 2018, 05:09:26 PM
Hi Christine,

My apologies for the delayed follow up to this. Are you still encountering this problem?

With regard to the first issue, its likely that the parameter + method combination has not been assigned to the Measuring Program - i.e. the measuring program parameter list needs to be updated to include the new method that you've assigned to it. In order to achieve this, you can click on the "details" of the Measuring Program, and then click on "Parameter List" and update the parameter list to include the new parameter / method combo.

You can import the results without units, as long as the assigned / default units are the ones you're looking for. You'll get a "warning" but this won't prevent you from importing. If you need help with the Unit mapping I'd be happy to schedule a WebEx with you.

If you've solved these problems and moved onto new ones, I'd also be happy to help with those so please keep me posted!


Steve with KISTERS

Quote from: christinerochon on February 07, 2018, 10:06:13 AM
Hi Steve,

I am a student working with the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority. I am currently tasked with importing water quality data into WISKI, however, the configuration file created specifically for the lab reports appears to have been removed from the system. I have created a new configuration file that seems to import most of the data but I am having trouble resolving a couple of issues.

The main issue is that the analysis methods for a couple of the more recently added parameters are not being identified by the parameter method number. Both have the same short name (PPUT; Phosphorous, total,) and all of the other parameters are being recognized by the parameter method number. When I switch to either of the other two method selections (name or short name) I run into problems with other parameters, receiving the message that parameter method combinations for that particular parameter are not assigned to the measuring program.

The other message that I am receiving is that the units are not identified (for all parameters). I have tried mapping the units from the import file to all three options for units (name, short name, symbol) but all come back saying that the units are not recognized. When the data is actually imported, the units do register within the sample results. I am wondering if this is part of a larger problem with the configuration.

Any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated! I also saw that you posted a water quality import configuration file. I have downloaded it, and if I cannot resolve my current issues I may try to work with your configuration file.

Thank-you in advance for any suggestions,

Water Quality / Re: Parameters with Different ...
Last post by SteveWKISTERS - June 20, 2018, 04:36:02 PM
Hi T Daniel Dickson,

Could you please provide an update as to how you decided to store this information based on our discussion?

I believe the verdict was to store the the weather & conditional information as metadata at the Sampling event level, allowing you to combine as many samplings & sample values as needed to cover off the remainder of the snow depth, crust, etc. data.


Steve with KISTERS
WISKI / Change Time Series Timezone
Last post by cmcguire - June 20, 2018, 01:28:53 PM
We are trying to change the timezone settings for our time series in the interest of fixing an issue related to daylight savings and the default timezone setting.  Ideally, we would like to change one time series so that we can verify whether or not this indeed fixes the problem; however, the timezone setting is greyed out and not editable from the time series properties tab. 

We have also tried using "set properties to time series," but this does not seem to work when the time series has any data in it.  What is the correct way to change the timezone in this scenario?  @SteveWKISTERS

- Daniel
WISKI / Re: How to use Templates for B...
Last post by SteveWKISTERS - June 11, 2018, 01:30:32 PM

Hi Chris,

It looks like the Bulk Operations approach requires that the template is exported. That said, you can roll out the template within WISKI without using Bulk Operations - it just requires a little more filtering. Once you've saved your template, you'll need to query out all the Stations / Parameters that you want to roll the template out to (i.e. all Q parameters in Site X, or all HG parameters in Stations A-Z).

*Remember - you need to execute a template at 1 level in the hierarchy above the feature. So if you've stored a time series template, it needs to be run on the Parameter level. If its a Parameter template, it needs to be run on the Station level, and so on. 

Once you have that query ready, run it and view the results in the Explorer - this takes you to a Temporary Query folder that has all the Sites / Stations / Parameters that you're looking to roll the template out on.

Select all the data in that folder, right click and choose "Execute .... template".

I believe you'll need to fill agent details (i.e. import #'s) but 95% of the build up work is done.

Steve with KISTERS
KiDAT / Incomplete download of HOBO sc...
Last post by Patrick Larson - June 07, 2018, 10:15:30 AM
RVCA has a scraper routine that downloads data from the HOBOlink website for 5 HOBO RX3000 and U30 dataloggers. The process often fails to take all of the data into the hot folder despite the files being up to date. There is mention elsewhere of a driver being developed for HOBO devices that might solve this but, if not, does anyone have any suggestions on how to grease the passage of the data through KiDAT?
Automated Sensing / Re: Hobo dataloggers
Last post by Patrick Larson - June 07, 2018, 10:05:07 AM
RVCA has both RX3000 and U30 dataloggers that are polled by HOBO to their website. We scrape from there. A driver to download the loggers directly would be great if we can avoid the annual fee. With the scraper, the data flows through KiDAT but it doesn't always flow smoothly.
WISKI / How to use Templates for Bulk ...
Last post by cmcguire - June 05, 2018, 01:47:14 PM
We are trying to copy time series for the same parameter between different sites.  When we select the relevant time series, right click and select 'Store as time series template...' and click save it does not show up in the bulk operations window.

We can click 'Export' and save it to the desktop but the template is not shared between users.  Any ideas on how to do this without an export? @SteveWKISTERS

KiWIS / Re: Query n most recent entree...
Last post by SteveWKISTERS - May 24, 2018, 08:39:55 AM

See below for response from support. It does not seem like the exact functionality you're looking at is available.


Morning Steve,

This is what I found so far.

Last value in general for the whole period:

Get the last recorded value from specific date (cannot get the last value, but can only limit the period of showing the data - last our of the day for example):

Get the last value from the morning of specific date:
http://localhost:8080/KiWIS/KiWIS?service=kisters&type=queryServices&request=getTimeseriesValues&datasource=0&format=html&ts_id=790010&from=2018-02-24&period=P10H (cannot get the last value, can only limit the period of showing the data - morning time for example from 12AM to 10AM)
KiDAT / Re: Web Scraping Fisheries and...
Last post by SteveWKISTERS - May 24, 2018, 08:33:07 AM
Morning everyone,

I believe we completed the DFO task that you were looking for during an informal KiDAT training with the MNRF. This task is pulling data from and can rotate through the stations to scrape and format any of the data there.

