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Daily Planning Cycle / EC Web scraping down
Last post by massimo.narini - October 24, 2019, 01:52:02 PM
Hi Everyone,

I have had a few inquiries about the EC Climate Stations that are found in WISKI, mainly that they have not been updating for a few weeks.

The majority of the stations are polled by a custom spreadsheet made by Dave Eastcott at Quinte Conservation. Unfortunately, EC has changed their data format at the location that Dave had been scrapping the data from. In the coming weeks, he will rewrite the scripts that are running to pull the data from this location and it should be working again.

I do not have an official timeline, but was assured that it would happen soon.

If anyone has any better ways to get the data from here (Such as a KiDAT task):                                 or an approximate location, please let me know.

Massimo Narini, M.Sc | WISKI Database Management Analyst
Quinte Conservation
Phone: (613) 968-3434  ext 122

KiDAT / Re: KiDAT - DAVIS Climate Stat...
Last post by massimo.narini - October 16, 2019, 12:39:49 PM
There had been discussions here about doing the same, but nothing ever came of it.

I do not have any tasks that would be able to help you.


Massimo Narini, M.Sc | WISKI Database Management Analyst
Quinte Conservation
Phone: (613) 968-3434  ext 122
KiDAT / KiDAT - DAVIS Climate Stations
Last post by Jrobert - October 03, 2019, 08:14:50 AM
Good day,

We have recently installed a couple DAVIS climate stations as a pilot project. These units are typically marketed to the agricultural industry (if you are unfamiliar). The data from these systems are pushed to a proprietary web portal (WeatherLink), however an API call can be used to poll the data directly. Has anyone developed a KiDAT task for scraping from these stations?

KiDAT / Re: GOES Hopper Task Discussio...
Last post by massimo.narini - September 26, 2019, 04:18:38 PM
For anyone following this topic, I was able to modify the original task that Steve sent (MVCA_Goes_DIRECT_HopperExample.tsk ) and made it work with our PGMN wells that are operational using the new Hoppers!

I have added it on the master KiDAT task list on the server (PGMN Hopper GOES Task). For now, it is a shared task, but I would think this can be something that everyone will get their own version of due to the large number of stations that have the potential to be polled through it. It will need to be a different task than the already used GOES tasks.

The weird thing that I needed to do was to tell KiDAT that HG was parameter 4 and TW was parameter 3, even if they were not under those columns in the transmission and it is up and working now.

If there is anyone that would like this task or would like me to add their stations to it that do not have access to the master list, please email me!

Massimo Narini, M.Sc | WISKI Database Management Analyst
Quinte Conservation
Phone: (613) 968-3434  ext 122
Daily Planning Cycle / Accuweather Scraper Update Sep...
Last post by Daniel Dickson - September 26, 2019, 01:31:51 PM
Hello everyone,

Shortly following the last update, AccuWeather made changes to their website that broke this script.  I have attached a file that contains the updated code for this scraper.


  • Download the attached 'WeatherAccu.vbs'; right click on the file and select 'Edit' to open the file in Notepad.
  • Open the VBA editor by clicking the Visual Basic button from the Developer Tab.
  • On the left side, expand the Modules folder, and double click on the WeatherAccu Macro.
  • Select all the text in the macro by holding down Ctrl+A, and then press the delete key to remove the old code.
  • Copy the text from the 'WeatherAccu.vbs' file and paste it in the WeatherAccu Macro.
  • Press 'Save' and update your DPC.

@JoelHarrison @Jrobert @GComeau
WISKI / Importing Historical data to a...
Last post by massimo.narini - September 25, 2019, 04:01:04 PM
I have been working with some Users in order to import historical data sets to stations that are already connected to a data source via a specific Import Number. With this type of data, it is difficult to create an Import number using the ZRXP conversion tool in KiDAT that will perfectly match the Import numbers that are already assigned to the time series due to differences in import number format for different data sources.

One way to get around this is to use the "Import/Export Import Numbers" tool in WISKI in order to quickly change import numbers for the time series of interest to match those found in the Historical data files and then change them back to not disturb the data connections that were made previously.

The attached file is a simple write-up of how to go about doing this.

Feel free to let me know if this is difficult to follow in any way and I will modify it and repost it.


Massimo Narini, M.Sc | WISKI Database Management Analyst
Quinte Conservation
Phone: (613) 968-3434  ext 122 

KiDAT / Re: GOES Hopper Task Discussio...
Last post by cmcguire - September 23, 2019, 07:57:10 AM
I'm not sure, we only have one Hopper and it's not polled by MECP..
KiDAT / Re: GOES Hopper Task Discussio...
Last post by LLambert - September 20, 2019, 09:43:33 AM
Thank you @cmcguire  ...will making this change on the GOES Hopper have an affect on the way MECP accesses this data?  We did receive an email from them to not make any alterations to the formatting.
KiDAT / Re: GOES Hopper Task Discussio...
Last post by cmcguire - September 19, 2019, 04:30:18 PM
Our summer student Andrew came up with this technique to get the FTS Hopper data through KiDAT.  Let me know if this works for your applications.
@massimo.narini @LLambert
Daily Planning Cycle / Accuweather Scraper Update Sep...
Last post by Daniel Dickson - September 12, 2019, 08:53:33 AM
Hello everyone!

Recently a caching issue was resulting in an "under construction" page being accessed in place of the actual weather data.  I have attached a file with updated code that prevents the page from being cached, in order to prevent this from happening again.


  • Download the attached 'WeatherAccu.vbs'; right click on the file and select 'Edit' to open the file in Notepad.
  • Open the VBA editor by clicking the Visual Basic button from the Developer Tab.
  • On the left side, expand the Modules folder, and double click on the WeatherAccu Macro.
  • Select all the text in the macro by holding down Ctrl+A, and then press the delete key to remove the old code.
  • Copy the text from the 'WeatherAccu.vbs' file and paste it in the WeatherAccu Macro.
  • Press 'Save' and update your DPC.

@JoelHarrison @Jrobert @GComeau