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Messages - Patrick Larson

This is what I just sent to Steve via email. I don't know what is happening with the time dropping the seconds but it doesn't seem to be causing a problem for WISKI (time format appears to have changed going September to October):

09/30/2018         10:00:00 PM       1.20
09/30/2018         11:00:00 PM       0.20
10/01/2018         12:00:00 AM      0.20
10/01/2018         01:00:00 AM      0.00
10/01/2018         02:00:00 AM      0.00
10/01/2018         03:00:00 AM      0.00
10/01/2018         04:00:00 AM      0.00
10/01/2018         05:00:00 AM      0.00
10/01/2018         06:00:00 AM      0.00

The script formats the date as "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss". How it gets to be AM and PM from that I don't know but it does.And that is in the data not at the end where the problem we are having is the data is not up to date..
RVCA has a scraper routine that downloads data from the HOBOlink website for 5 HOBO RX3000 and U30 dataloggers. The process often fails to take all of the data into the hot folder despite the files being up to date. There is mention elsewhere of a driver being developed for HOBO devices that might solve this but, if not, does anyone have any suggestions on how to grease the passage of the data through KiDAT?
Automated Sensing / Re: Hobo dataloggers
June 07, 2018, 10:05:07 AM
RVCA has both RX3000 and U30 dataloggers that are polled by HOBO to their website. We scrape from there. A driver to download the loggers directly would be great if we can avoid the annual fee. With the scraper, the data flows through KiDAT but it doesn't always flow smoothly.
SODA / Re: Time zones
March 20, 2018, 03:32:00 PM
Thanks for the response.

I don't recall why but I did switch to Etc./GMT+5 awhile ago and, as far as I can tell, it has worked. There are still some issues with Parks Canada gauges because some of the stations are on DST. But that is another matter.
Wasn't able to get this to open. Only Open and Cancel were available choices and Open got an error message. Any ideas?

Also, has anyone done a scraper for The Weather Network forecasts?
Automated Sensing / Re: WaterLog H-350XL
January 15, 2018, 10:22:18 AM
Curious if there has been anything further on this.

SODA / Re: Time zones
November 15, 2017, 11:31:04 AM
More problems with SODA and time zones.

- There are two places to enter the timezone in SODA, in the poll plan on the General page and on the setup for each of the stations (right click on station name, click on Edit logger). I entered Etc/GMT-5 in both.

- I run 2 poll plans, one twice a day at 06:10 and 13:10 and the second every two hours during high flow periods from 08:10 to 22:10  to keep our public graphs near real time.

- This morning I found that the data was only up to 23:00 last night. I found however, after downloading data "manually" for a couple of stations, that SODA was getting the data but adjusting the time. Curiously, it wasn't adjusting by 10 hours, but, rather 7 or 9 or 10.

I have changed the time zone in the two poll plans to Canada/Eastern but left the station setup at Etc/GMT-5 until the next download at 12:10.
How about a Skype or Teamviewer and telephone session with the biologists who will be using KiECO? Or if you happened to be in the neighbourhood sometime and could stop by perhaps.
Digital Forms / Surveys / Re: Field Sheets
November 09, 2017, 01:02:23 PM
Chris Czerwinski mentioned Survey123 but said he thinks Collector has more capabilities.
Digital Forms / Surveys / Re: Field Sheets
November 08, 2017, 03:50:31 PM
Our biologists are using a form setup using Collector that Chris Czerwinski developed. It has a WIFI update capability to a SQL database on our server.
Thanks, Steve. I had hit on the Biological filter by checking every icon on the toolbar. Now to figure out the next step.
Digital Forms / Surveys / Re: Field Sheets
November 08, 2017, 11:54:35 AM
Field Visits isn't the way. It has had to be abandoned.
KiECO / Re: Cumulative Effects Management Tool
November 08, 2017, 10:30:58 AM
This may be of value at some point but perhaps we need to learn to walk with KiECO before trying to run with something more advanced.
KiECO / how does one get into KiECO in the first place
November 07, 2017, 02:03:42 PM
Back to basics. I didn't see KiECO in the WISKI perspectives, tools or views. So how does one get into it? Is it standalone or needs to be installed in WISKI?
SODA / Time zones
November 02, 2017, 02:56:10 PM
At the recent Eastern Ontario WISKI HUB Admin meeting, there was mention of time zones and EDT/EST. Somebody said something about using GMT - or + 5  in SODA. Does the Etc/GMT-5 setting not work?