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Messages - JoelHarrison

I am also interested in learning how to do this - a KiWQM tutorial on how to bulk upload profile (depth-specific) data would be helpful! 
WISKI / GOES Import Problem and Solution
March 14, 2018, 04:17:01 PM
NBMCA's level data from our Chippewa Ck gauge weren't making it into WISKI.  Turns out the GOES transmissions from the Satlink logger contained M's for missing values which the KiDat task couldn't interpret.  WSC staff reprogrammed the logger so that there was more time between data logging and transmission which solved the problem.  Kisters is working to add flexibility to the GOES KiDat task so that it can accommodate non-numeric data.   

See attached for more detail.
WISKI / Adding data manually?
February 12, 2018, 11:15:27 AM
Can data be manually added to a time series without doing an import?  For snow surveys, for instance, NBMCA only has 3 sites, so if we want to keep the database up to date the fastest way could be to just type in the values every 2 weeks...
Thanks for doing this!
NBMCA accomplished the following in 2016:
- imported historical WSC data into WISKI
- have GOES WSC sites populating in WISKI (well, Curtis did this!)
- obtained MOXA box for gauges using serial modems

General / Administration / Re: 2017 Goals
May 31, 2017, 03:33:11 PM
NBMCA will try to get our non-GOES (serial modem) gauges sending data to WISKI using SODA by year end.