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Messages - DMcNiece

I'm actually starting to roll out Precipitation Intensity as a parameter.  I think it will be useful in distinguishing the shorter but more intense rain events we are seeing with climate change.  Before seeing this post, I worked with Noah at Kisters Support to come up with this simple transformation to change the unit of measure from Precip in (mm) to (mm/hr).  I'm also totaling the precip per hour off the 02.Edited time series.  This should work regardless if the rain gauge is tipping bucket giving 15 min totals or the more accurate accumulators.

I'm developing a web page for our flood duty officers that is responsive (viewable on a cell phone browser) and gets the latest values via Kiwis calls...

What do you think?
David M
WISKI / Re: Data not making it from HG to Q
August 21, 2018, 04:01:21 PM
Terrible graph..
WISKI / Re: Data not making it from HG to Q
August 21, 2018, 03:53:25 PM
When you look at the sequence of time series for HG, your 01.Original is up to date but the 02.Editable is stuck at Aug 3rd.  The rating curve and discharge rely on this. The really weird part is that the data is actually there.  You can see on my graph below that the time series is showing data up to the 21st and the blue line perfectly covers the red.  I've seen this before and the problem isn't obvious.  I've done a delete of the agent and reloaded and refreshed with no luck.  Time to call Mr Wizard. Steve!!
KiWIS / Re: Graph Templates
April 19, 2018, 04:08:15 PM
Looks great!  I have HighCharts but was hoping to stay with customizing templates for Kiwis calls.  Next project is KPI's.  Pages will have more explanations (teaching and engagement) with static easy to read graphs/charts.  I've been toying with the .xmls that came with the web portal.  Looking for documentation on how I can tweak those more.
KiWIS / Graph Templates
April 19, 2018, 02:19:09 PM
Chris, rumour has it you've been making some new templates.  Care to share?... and do you have a document showing the different properties that can be tweaked?
David McNiece
SODA / Re: Time zones
March 21, 2018, 02:19:39 PM
Mentioned this on another thread... Last year Brandon from Kisters support ran a script to change all time zones in our dbase to (UTC-05:00) Generic time zone.  This avoids the whole daylight issues so we just post a disclaimer on our data that it is not corrected for daylight savings.
KiWIS / Re: Highcharts Graphs on Website
March 20, 2018, 11:19:42 AM
Our servers went through some upgrades and the URL was changed.  It can be found through the Watershed Monitoring menu but the direct link is here...

While we have moved our fish data into KiECO, it is not in time series and so not yet available.  I'll be moving to a new task within the month where that might be my focus!  More to come.

David McNiece
WISKI / Re: Removing Gaps
October 31, 2017, 08:43:50 AM
On this logger, the sampling increment is 5 min as it is IP driven.  For phone modem loggers, we kept it to 15 minutes so that data packets remain small and manageable.  The default unit of measure for this agent is seconds we did 900 (15min) gaps for the 5 minute loggers and 1 hour for the 15 minute samplers.
KiWIS / Re: Highcharts Graphs on Website
October 31, 2017, 08:31:44 AM
Thanks!  Looking forward to adding Biological data.  Will be looking into time series for KiECO in a few months.
KiECO / Re: Documentation
March 17, 2017, 11:08:39 AM
Gladly!  My email is but maybe we should start putting stuff up on the Biz Portal...

KiECO / Re: Documentation
March 17, 2017, 10:22:32 AM
Mostly just what will assist in the initial setup.  Steve and I started importing XML key lists about 6 months ago and I watched on TeamViewer.  Is there a master list of what key lists are required and for what areas (ie. fish, bugs, algae, macrophytes, etc)?
KiECO / Documentation
March 13, 2017, 01:53:27 PM
Does anyone have any documents for this module?  Would appreciate it getting posted up somewhere.