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Messages - alarsen

access works ok, I made a field template in access with pull down menus which is handy in the field but then I have to manually put the access file onto our network and then there is a link with excel where the data goes into and then I was going to put it into wiski, but I have to reformat everything first so it will go into wiski so thought I would see what others are using before I redo it :)

google docs sounds interesting, I'm going to have Chris (at RVCA) look at a few options

Digital Forms / Surveys / Field Sheets
October 30, 2017, 10:21:07 AM

I was wondering what people were using to put their field data into wiski?

at the moment I have an access field sheet that links to an excel sheet that I was going to then input into wiski but wondering if there is a more efficient way.
