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Messages - mkline

KiDAT / KiDAT for water quality?
September 16, 2021, 03:49:01 PM
I am wondering if anyone has experience using KiDAT for streamlining their import for water quality data into KiWQM?
Water Quality / Fractions and Laboratories
September 16, 2021, 03:46:39 PM
I am just wondering what other people's experiences have been using 'fractions' for distinguishing between data for different laboratories, and/or lab vs field measurements, or do you store some of this metadata in a different way? Have you found it useful for comparing/ excluding data from different sources?

I am also wondering if anyone else has been getting the same error when trying to set up the column configuration for importing a sampling from csv in a way that includes columns that reference a given fraction such as 'fraction laboratory', I keep receiving an error that reads "Fraction info set in columns but never applied to a result value", and I cannot figure out how to resolve this without removing these columns altogether. I tried adding the other columns that consist the required fields under the fraction tab such as date of entry and fraction number, however this did not seem to help.