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Messages - lwcbdev

KiWIS / Perpetual "Loading ..." screen
April 25, 2019, 01:44:52 PM
Our KiWIS server seems to be running but it's not working.  As the title says it's perpetually showing the "Loading ..." GIF  (url: ).

It was running for a week or so, I was able to start writing some preliminary code to access it (very nice API, btw!) and then it just stopped, and reboots don't help.

The jProc Console doesn't show any problems anywhere.

Anyone else know how to solve this?
KiDAT / XML processing
April 15, 2019, 12:35:53 PM
I'm trying to process some XML text but the VB compiler rejects the XML references (i.e. Dim oXMLDoc As Xml.XmlDocument).  I tried adding Imports System.XML but that didn't work and since "Imports System" is already there the first references should work.  I have checked the code in Visual Studio (creating my own FakeKidat class to intercept that code) and it works.

What are the KiDAT Visual Studio dependencies and/or what .Net Framework is it compiled against?  And/Or how do I get XML to work?