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Messages - cvance

KiDAT / Re: FTS H2 Data Logger CSV Imports
April 30, 2018, 03:54:21 PM
Sorry, cmcguire, I don't spend much time dabbling with the advanced configurable converter task types and haven't modified one myself.

Hopefully someone else can chime in that has this experience.

SODA / Re: Time zones
March 21, 2018, 09:30:24 AM
Quote@cvance Do you think we'll be able to get the WISKI computers to ignore DST?  If not would going into Extras->Options->Time Zone and changing it to Fixed GMT offset: Etc/GMT+5 be a good temporary fix?

Hi Chris,

Currently looking into rolling this out but I would like to get all the facts straight before doing so.  I will keep you posted.

SODA / Re: SODA Polling
October 05, 2016, 02:20:40 PM
Hi 'mjones',

I was going to reply to this matter via email - nice to see it was posted on this forum so I guess we can discuss here.

My first suggestion in resolving the slow retrievals was going to be review the poll plan settings - specifically, the time range settings to see if the service was going way back in time, attempting to grab values from months ago. It looks like you have ruled this out.

Next suggestion would be to check the Max. tries setting on each device connection in your plan.  Is it possible that the maximum try settings were accidentally set high on all or some of your devices?  If certain devices are failing and repeating 10+ times, your plan is going to take awhile to finish its cycle.

If you lower the 'Max. execution time' setting from 5 hours to something like 1 hour, will the plan finish before the hour is up?  I just wonder if this high setting is producing bugs or unwanted artifacts with the plan.  If you have to keep it this way so the plan finishes and all device data is obtained, I guess this wouldn't be an issue.

Have there been any internet service disruptions or known slowdowns with the gateway that SODA enters on at your site?

Just some thoughts.