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Messages - cmcguire

KiDAT / Re: GOES Hopper Task Discussion
September 23, 2019, 07:57:10 AM
I'm not sure, we only have one Hopper and it's not polled by MECP..
KiDAT / Re: GOES Hopper Task Discussion
September 19, 2019, 04:30:18 PM
Our summer student Andrew came up with this technique to get the FTS Hopper data through KiDAT.  Let me know if this works for your applications.
@massimo.narini @LLambert
Automated Sensing / Re: WaterLog H-350XL
July 24, 2019, 03:31:50 PM
We've got these data loggers working with the Microhard static IP modems and are wondering if anyone has a SODA driver.  OPG runs a lot of these loggers and might have one on their WISKI system.
WISKI / Re: Data not making it from HG to Q
August 23, 2018, 02:01:44 PM
WISKI / Re: Data not making it from HG to Q
August 17, 2018, 01:24:56 PM
Can you change the default quality on the 01.Original agent to 200 and adjust the quality of the 01.Original timeseries from August 3rd to 200?

Even if it doesn't fix this it should help prevent other issues down the road.  In the mean time you could change the Q 01.Original timeseries to use HG 01.Original timeseries so that you have flow data coming in until the HG 02.Edited timeseries can be fixed.

Jenn & Chris
WISKI / Re: Data not making it from HG to Q
August 16, 2018, 02:28:42 PM
Thanks for posting Claire,

Does it transfer if you increase the quality from 254 to 200?
Hi Steve,

I had already come up with a solution for the snow courses by the time of our discussion, which was to repeat the weather/temp data for each of the 10 rows.
WISKI / Change Time Series Timezone
June 20, 2018, 01:28:53 PM
We are trying to change the timezone settings for our time series in the interest of fixing an issue related to daylight savings and the default timezone setting.  Ideally, we would like to change one time series so that we can verify whether or not this indeed fixes the problem; however, the timezone setting is greyed out and not editable from the time series properties tab. 

We have also tried using "set properties to time series," but this does not seem to work when the time series has any data in it.  What is the correct way to change the timezone in this scenario?  @SteveWKISTERS

- Daniel
We are trying to copy time series for the same parameter between different sites.  When we select the relevant time series, right click and select 'Store as time series template...' and click save it does not show up in the bulk operations window.

We can click 'Export' and save it to the desktop but the template is not shared between users.  Any ideas on how to do this without an export? @SteveWKISTERS

Regarding KiWQM samples, I was wondering how to deal with samples that need to be stored together but are measured a different number of times?  We're looking into using KiWQM for storing our snow course data, in which we have 1 measurement for weather and temperature and 10 measurements for snow depth, snow mass, snow crust, and soil conditions. 

We want to be able to pull all this information later in a report for display purposes, so we need this information to be stored in the same location.  What would the best way to handle this scenario be?  @SteveWKISTERS

- T Daniel Dickson
Thanks Massimo!
KiDAT / Re: FTS H2 Data Logger CSV Imports
May 08, 2018, 09:47:20 AM
Thanks Steve,

Here's a typical CSV.  Unfortunately we can't change the file name since it's a WSC gauge, leading to the replace function.  Can the 'Edit Exchange Number Lookup' perform this task?  We haven't been able to figure it out.
WISKI / Re: Extra Non-Data Point
May 03, 2018, 09:41:48 AM
The Mayhew Creek near Trenton data is in SODA at 5 minute intervals but your WISKI agent is set up for 1/2 hour intervals.  Try switching the 'Interval count:' to 300.  I don't have permission to play around with it.  Any luck?
KiDAT / FTS H2 Data Logger CSV Imports
April 30, 2018, 03:20:43 PM
We modified the FTS_RawFiles task to convert the import ID from the Water Surveys site ID to the GOES ID so that the ZRXPs can be sent right to the hot folder.

Under Advanced Options we checked:
-Strip Defined Values from Outgoing Data (-99999)
-Use Extended Functions

Under the 'Exchange Number structure' we have: Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(<RegExp(<FileName>,"[A-z0-9]+",1)>, "02KF001", "4540E4B0"), "02KF006", "48A7F490"), "02KF010", "4540F914"), "02KF011", "4520239C"), "02KF012", "4550FE8A"), "02KF013", "4555C202"), "02KF016", "4554F562"), "02KF017", "4555B492"), "02KF018", "4831726C"), "02KF020", "4831611A"), "Lanark", "C7C004D6") & "_" & Cell(<CurrentColumn>,1)

Is there an easier way to do this?

@cvance @Dave Eastcott @SteveWKISTERS
KiWIS / Re: Graph Templates
April 19, 2018, 03:47:07 PM
Good to hear from you David.  Are you thinking HighCharts or something else?  Check out the latest version of our website in case you can reuse any code:
